employee nps

Using our proprietary eNPS methodology, we can help you understand what drives employee satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.


Now, more than ever, knowing how satisfied your employees are critical to your success. Our simple and proven method engages employees in conversations that measure their satisfaction and identify opportunities to drive better organizational performance.

enployee NPS group of people

The True Vector Difference

The benefits of our service:

Simple and Easy: Our methods are used by some of the best Fortune 100 companies. We utilize the eNPS method and delve into current challenges and identify areas of opportunities

Actional Feedback: By leveraging the survey feedback, we highlight trends in the response data and provide analytics on where your leadership team should focus

Create Organizational Alignment: Use the data to support employee conversations and alignment with organizational goals focused on improvement areas

See Improvement Over Time: We can conduct quarterly surveys to monitor improvement progress and identify new opportunities

Implementing Change: Leverage our project management consulting services to help implement the changes needed to address opportunities area from the survey

ready to take your business to the next level?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.